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Søndagsfilm - In the footsteps of John Paul the Great

Oppdatert: 15. jan. 2022

Hver søndag vil vi sende en film eller dokumentar om Kirken. Denne uken viser vi dokumentaren"In the footsteps of John Paul the Great".

Who isn't intrigued by the early lives of the great and beloved figures of our Church? Joanna Bogle and Clare Anderson's walking pilgrimage stops off at the places and people of John Paul II's childhood, youth and priesthood, crisscrossing Poland with interviews, breath-taking scenery, and somber monuments to the bravery and the devotion which this "Totus Tuus" pope stood for throughout his life.

Tidligere filmer, dokumentarer og retretter finner du her

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Foto: EWTN/St Rita Radio

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