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  • Forfatterens bildePål Nes

Vaticano episode 532

Vaticano er et ukentlig program produsert av EWTN som gir et unikt innblikk i livet i Vatikanet.

In this episode we learn about the recently announced upcoming Jubilee Year of 2025 that will have as its theme: Pilgrims of Hope. The Holy Father has published an apostolic letter on the liturgy on the one year anniversary of his motu propio Traditionis custodes, restricting the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass. Hear the most recent Vatican updates. Take part in a recent conference that was held in Rome on the new field of disability theology. Meet Blythe and Asher Kaufman, founders of the Children’s Rosary prayer group movement aimed at introducing this holy prayer to children. And lastly, hear testimonies from the World Meeting of Families.

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